Friday, 26 November 2021

website progress

The link for my website is : Home | Spectrum Magazine (

 Here I have my social media links pages on my website, I photoshopped the Snapchat image using screenshots from my phone as I could not make a real professional Snapchat. The Instagram and Twitter shots are real, and the twitter link works, I will also make the Instagram link functional. This is the Twitter link:

The video channel will be changed and will have my audio/visual content on it, or a prototype version. 

This section has related articles from the magazine, I will change this to have a background colour and a headline. 

Friday, 12 November 2021

contents drafts

 These are some of my initial drafts of my contents pages, which have not changed dramatically over the process, they needed aligning better and I plan to alter some of the colours and add the Bauer logo etc 

Prototype Website Annotations