Monday, 28 June 2021

Audience Segments


Marketing to this demographic often happens through social media, 'Engagement' is the current marketing mantra, but research suggests that almost half of the young adults surveyed said explicitly that they do not want to talk to brands using social media. Social media is often used o channel online traffic to the official website of the magazine, it is used to get their brand out there for people to see and remember so they want to learn more. This age range are not likely to pay for magazine subscriptions, as they readily have access to free information online, also they're usually just leaving college and aren't likely to be spending money on magazine subscriptions. 


85% of millennials own smartphones, therefore websites and marketing need to be fully accessible and clear on a mobile device. This age group aren't all doing the same things, so magazines aimed at them shouldn't suggest that they should all be at uni or serious relationships etc. These age groups prefer visuals to lots of text, they're a 'fast living' group and don't spend their time reading information that is irrelevant to them. Main magazines for this group include Cosmopolitan, Elle, Vogue etc. 


Magazines for this age can be a bit more serious or niche, as they generally are more involved in world issues. At this age, people are generally working and out of uni, or doing further education and ae likely to be up to current affairs. For this reason, magazines such as Time, The New Yorker and GQ are targeted at them. People at this age are likely to be on social media such as Facebook and Instagram rather than Snapchat or TikTok. 

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